Speech Lab Groningen
Speech Lab Groningen, led by prof. dr. Martijn Wieling, is a research group at the University of Groningen (Faculty of Arts). We investigate speech production using state-of-the-art acoustic and articulatory methods, such as electromagnetic articulography and ultrasound tongue imaging. Our team focuses on dialectal variation across the Netherlands and on disordered speech.


A list of publications is forthcoming. Until then, they can be found on Martijn Wieling’s website.


For our outreach activities, we use SPRAAKLAB: a state-of-the-art mobile laboratory of the Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen. Read more about SPRAAKLAB at www.rug.nl/let/spraaklab.

Contact us by email at m.b.wieling@rug.nl or by phone at +31610015021.